Ashley Siefker’s English 207 Blog

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Strengh & Weakness In Rhetorical Analysis

Spend the first 10 minutes of class or so reflecting on what you see as the strengths and weaknesses of your rhetorical analysis.

       I think that my essay was pretty good, but, as always, I’m sure there was room for improvement.  I think that I may have been too close to the material I was writing about.  I feel like I may have gotten into the emotional aspect of it just a little too much.  Personal experiences tend to do that to what you’re writing.  I think that I evaluated the PSA well.  It was pretty straight forward and I did not have to stretch to find things to write about.  I don’t think I would change much except maybe taking some of my emotion out.

89 thoughts on “Strengh & Weakness In Rhetorical Analysis

  1.   lsaaved Says:  #1

    I just wanted to say that I agree with you as well about how personal experiences can affect your writing, in that you begin to look at the situation from an emotional point of view and that is then conveyed to the reader. When doing my paper I also feel I put some emotion into my paper, especially because the PSA I had chosen was dealing with teen dating violence and abuse. Nonetheless, I am sure your paper turned out very well!

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