Ashley Siefker’s English 207 Blog

Another amazing bgsu blog

Option 3 Focus

1. Are you going to use the resume that you created for class or a modified version?  Why?  (remember, if you wrote your resume as though you had completed your course-work at BGSU you must change your resume)


I am going to use the resume I updated for class because it is current and I am sending it in next week for consideration from Heidelberg Distributing Company.  I just simply put ‘diploma August 2009’ in this resume.  that should indicate that I am about to graduate soon.


2. How will you re-present your resume (i.e., Power Point, video, audio, web page, etc)?  Why did you select this format over the others?


I am going to use the VisualCV that was shown today in class.  It is a good way to represent yourself in a creative way that I have never seen before…and I’m not gonna lie…I don’t like doing videos.


3. What information (specifically) will  you include in your project?  Why?


Th information that I am including is everything in my resume.  It is all relevant and it should all be included.  Maybe not having to keep it to one page will give me some room to add things if they will improve the quality of the resume.


4. If you are doing a visual presentation (website, video, PowerPoint, etc), use an additional sheet of paper to sketch out what you want the project to look like.  If you are doing an audio project (or a video) spend some time outlining what you want to say.


I will probably use a format from the website.  I just like things too be easy to find, clean, and to the point…nothing fancy.


5. How will this re-presentation demonstrate your literacies? 


This will definitely show off my computer skills, organizational skills, and written communication skills.  Instead of having something on paper it is a fresh and less boring way to show skills to potential employers. 


6. What questions do you have about creating this presentation?


I don’t know of any questions yet because I haven’t looked at the VisualCV website thoroughly yet.


7.  Create a chronological list of the steps you will need to take to complete this project.  Then, set a time-line of when each step will be completed.  This will be a tentative contract between you and me to assure you’re making progress on this project. 

Sign up at the website, create visual resume using information form paper resume, personalize the resume at the website, make sure all information is present, edit/revise, hand in, and share online.

2 thoughts on “Option 3 Focus

  1.   bcottri Says:  #1

    This sounds great. I’m glad that you’re interested in using the visual CV website. I’m surprised how many of you are interested in that so I’m glad that Olivia mentioned it! After you create it you might consider adding the link on your resume (remind me and we’ll talk about how to do that).

    Let me know if questions come up. While I don’t know Visual CV well I will give it a try this weekend so hopefully I can answer questions that come up.

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