Ashley Siefker’s English 207 Blog

Another amazing bgsu blog

Look Of Portfolio

1.   I want to include an overview of the assignment, the strengths of the assignment, what I learnt with the assignment, and why we did the assignment.

2.   First I want the reader to see the overview of the assignment because without it they will not know what the assignment is about and my work won’t have the same context as before.

3.   I want my pages to look organized and easy to read and include all required information.  It it’s confusing to navigate through then the reader will not want to read it.  I also want the pages to be visually appealing.  Keeping the attention of the reader is also very important. 

4.  I would rather introduce myself more traditionally with words…I hate being in front of a camera like that and I would feel more comfortable with typing something out.

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