Ashley Siefker’s English 207 Blog

Another amazing bgsu blog


Spend the first few minutes of class thinking about how technology is used in everyday life for the general public.  Move beyond the role it plays in your life specifically and also think about how you see others using it. Think about what role does technology plays, what benefits it offer, what threats, and what role it has on literacy.  Blog your reflection. 

      Technology is everywhere!  The three things I see used most in class and on campus in general are lap tops, iPods, and cell phones.  The role these things play are communicating with others and entertainment.  Lap tops help communicate with others as well as taking notes and doing research.  Cell phones are also for communication whether it’s texting or a phone call.  I find that iPods are for pure entertainment.  I know I use mine to keep me busy while walking to class and other similar activities.

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