Ashley Siefker’s English 207 Blog

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The Ideal Reader

Who would your ideal reader be for each approach?  What do they bring to the reading experience?  What do they believe?  What attitudes do they have?

COOKING: The ideal reader for this approach would be grandmothers and granddaughters who have/had a close relationship.  They bring their experiences with each other and their own memories that may be triggered.  They believe that family is important and spending time with them strengthens those bonds.  Attitudes they have would probably be pretty gentle and concentrated on the love they have for one another.


READING: The ideal reader for this approach would be anyone who likes to read.  They bring their ideas of what they like to read, their favorite authors, and the different reasons they like to read.  They believe that reading is a good past time, it’s fun, and perhaps that more people should read.  In extreme cases they may of the attitude that ‘reading is life’ and could be considered to be a ‘book worm’.  In other cases I think that someone who likes to read have the attitude that maybe their own personal bias to their favorite author.


WRITING: The ideal reader for this approach would be anyone who likes to get their feelings and thoughts onto paper.  They bring their own experiences of when journaling or some other form of writing has helped them through a tough time.  They probably think that writing helps ‘keep them sane’ and makes them feel better to get things out of their head and onto paper.  The same can be said for their attitude towards writing.


COMMON SENSE: The ideal reader for this approach would be anyone who is disgruntled with they ways that some people just ‘don’t use their heads’, or feels like they use their common sense pretty well.  They bring their experiences with people using or not using their common sense and the outcome of those events.  Their belief is probably using common sense is essential in taking care of oneself and those who don’t use it need a lesson in doing so.  Their attitude is probably the same in that those who do use their common sense are ‘a step ahead’ of those who do not.


COMMUNICATE IDEAS: The ideal reader for this approach would be everyone because all people at some point are communicating their ideas to others.  They bring their personal strategies of how they accomplish sharing their ideas with others.  As most people usually do, they probably think that their ideas are better than others at some point, and this could also be said for someone with an extreme attitude on this view.


One thought on “The Ideal Reader

  1.   bcottri Says:  #1

    I like that you bring up cooking as a literacy. I have a colleague actually writing her dissertation about cookbooks right now. You seem to have some really good topics and a god start to figuring out who your ideal reader(s) might be for this assignment. I look forward to seeing your narrative as it develops. Nice work.

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