Ashley Siefker’s English 207 Blog

Another amazing bgsu blog

Litaracy Narrative Ideas

COOKING: I spent a lot of time with my grandma cooking and backing when I was littler and she taught me different things that I will have with me forever.


READING: A couple of years ago I was sick and had to spend a lot of time waiting and in doctor’s offices and hospitals.  Reading gave me not only something to do, but it kept my mind off of things.  I read a series of fifteen books that were humorous and it kept my spirits up when I wasn’t too far down.


WRITING: There is nothing better that being able to express my feelings and get it down on paper.  Sometimes it really helps be deal with things.  One can really learn about themselves when you look back on what you have written in the past.


COMMON SENSE: My parents have taught me a lot and common sense is and extension of that.  It has helped define who I am and how I can take care of myself.


COMMUNICATE IDEAS: This lets me get my ideas heard.  It not only lets me get them out in the open, but I can learn about myself with the others I am sharing with.

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