Ashley Siefker’s English 207 Blog

Another amazing bgsu blog

Archive for February, 2009

Computers Are Important For The Classroom

PART ONE: My Thoughts…       I think computers are important to have in schools because it allows students to research for specific information that is from different parts of the world, therefore, having different perspectives of the subject.  Computers also make it easy for students to communicate with professors and other students when it comes […]

PSA Criteria

A PSA should be…       Creative, relative, relatable, fact based, attention grabbing, powerful, easy to understand (get the message), inspire change, thought out, clear message, to the point, visually appealing, aimed at a specific audience, and appropriate for all ages.

PSA Ideas

Grandparents and cell phones or computers. Message: How technology literate are you? Audience: Senior Citizens Medium (video or audio): Video Teens and doing research. Message: Use technology to your advantage. Audience: High Schoolers Medium (video or audio): Video College students using Facebook too much? Message: Technology dumbing them down? Audience: College Students Medium (video or […]

Think Before You Post Commercial

How do the actors portray the message?  What persuasive techniques are used in the video?  What role does the voiceover play?  How is text used in the screen?       The actors portray the message as typical teens would.  The boys in the commercial thought the girl that posted the picture was pretty and from there […]

Literacy Statistics

      The statistics I read were shocking!  I did not realize that things were so bad.  This really makes me question our education system because with such overwhelming numbers there has to be something in the system and not an isolated incident.  From there we get the statistic of one billion illiterate people and from that […]

Guest Speaker Question

Have you personally done any PSAs?  Which ones have you done?


Spend the first few minutes of class thinking about how technology is used in everyday life for the general public.  Move beyond the role it plays in your life specifically and also think about how you see others using it. Think about what role does technology plays, what benefits it offer, what threats, and what […]

Peer Workshop

Reflect on your past experiences with peer workshops or peer review.  Spend some time talking about classes in the past that you have used it in, what you have liked about it, what you have disliked about it, and more.  Share your overall thoughts and make sure to justify your thoughts with specific detail.        […]

Monster Blog

I’m not a good drawer, but in theory I drew a vampire.  She is standing and wearing a normal outfit of jeans and a long-sleeved orange shirt.  She has red eyes and fangs that are tainted red also.  She has long black hair.

Rhetorical Appeals

Pick one rhetorical appeal and write a short understanding of that appeal. Pathos is an argument based on emotion, playing on sympathy, fears, and desires. It relies on an emotional response from the people reading it. It attempts to sway people to its side. Using that appeal, find one online advertisement that uses that appeal […]