Ashley Siefker’s English 207 Blog

Another amazing bgsu blog

First English 207 Post

1.  What do you expect from this class?

         I expect to learn better writing skills and to gain better understanding of the differences ways that one can be considered literate. 

2.  How do you understand the term “literacy” (or, what is literacy)?

          To me literacy is not only being ‘book smart’, but it’s having common sense and knowing about the world around you (current events).

3.   Why do we write?

           We write because it is an effective way to share our thoughts to the world.  In an instant we can send information or our thoughts around the world!  It also gives us a chance to get our thoughts out of our head and onto paper.  Some find this a better way of communicating feelings.

3 thoughts on “First English 207 Post

  1.   bcottri Says:  #1

    Nice job, Ashley. I’m interested to see you develop this idea of “common sense” in relation to literacy more. I think you’re on to something and look forward to seeing how that plays out in your first few projects!

    Great work!

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