Ashley Bubp’s GSW 1110 Blog (Fall 2009)

Another amazing bgsu blog


Filed under: Uncategorized — abubp at 12:32 am on Monday, September 21, 2009

for starters, this is the second time i’ve done this because the dumb computers in the lounge froze and completely erased my blog. and i was finished. stupid internet.

i’m going with the second prompt, do parents have the right to monitor their chilren’s various web accounts? i chose this topic because i feel that it’s most relatable with parents univerally, and is slowly becoming more of an issue with parents and their children.  i’m going to have to say that i think parents have the right to monitor their children’s web accounts.  i know that when i was younger and first got an email account, the last thing i wanted was my parents to look at my coversations.  not because i wasn’t being myself like some kids, but because it was my own personal space and was a way i could talk to my friends about things i didn’t want my parents hearing about, like boys, which they could hear if it was over the phone.  i think most kids don’t want their parents invading their online space because they’re embarassed about things.  when you’re younger you’re more gullible, easily embarassed, and are trying to “find yourself” and don’t want your parents butting in.  it’s almost like the “terrible twos” an awkward phase in a person’s life and they’ll start making decisions that will base their personailty and the person they’re going to become.  i know if i had a child, i would monitor their accounts.  at like the age 17 almost 18 is a little extreme, but 14ish is still acceptable because they’re not into high school yet.  not that i don’t love the internet because i do and couldn’t go without it, but it’s almost like the creation of the internet brought out a whole new level of danger and creepiness not only in the world, but in people. and i don’t like to think that my baby girl or boy could someday encounter it just by sitting in front of a computer.

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