Ashley Bubp’s GSW 1110 Blog (Fall 2009)

Another amazing bgsu blog


Filed under: Uncategorized — abubp at 10:42 pm on Thursday, September 17, 2009

The video about teenagers growing up online is a good “Arguing a position” video because they are promoting their view.  Also, they promote is very clearly.  there’s no gaps in their arguements.  and they give very valid points.  also, like it said in chapter six, they left room for an arguement and had very clear points.  a good arguement uses points that are arguable, which is what the video does.  the thing that i thought made the video a little less boring was that they used teens in it.  they didnt just have adults preaching what they think about their children’s online habits. and that it was up-to-date. not some 1970’s video that’s been used for the past 30 years.also in the video, the adults don’t assert their ideas or try to force their beliefs on somebody. they don’t only support their decisions with facts, but also with statistics, authorities, and anectdotes. finally, the video is even stronger since the adults recognize opposing arguements.

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