Ashley Bubp’s GSW 1110 Blog (Fall 2009)

Another amazing bgsu blog


Filed under: Uncategorized — abubp at 11:11 pm on Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Arguing.  it’s something that’s basically inevitable to avoid and happens daily.  i feel that arguing is important because  it helps shape who people are and has definately helped shape the world that it is today.  however, there’s good arguing and bad arguing.  like the video we watched in class, some people don’t really argue, they just say yes or no over and over, driving the other person who actually has an arguement insane.  to argue effectively, you need to take a side on a conversation and (preferrably) have facts to back up your decisions.  you don’t always need facts, it just makes your case stronger.  also, try to not raise your voice.  once one person raises their voice, others start raising their voices and soon you just have one big scream fest that can end up with the police getting involved.  arguing is beneficial because it brings out points that others may not have thought about.  for example, bob creates a toy for children and wants to market it.  he has other inventors look at it and sally argues that it would not be an effective toy because a part of it could easily be broken off and become a choking hazard.  although this may or may not be true, it gives bob something to improve on and think about before he can market his toy.

first i didn’t realize there were two parts to the blog, and since i already did the first paragraph which is basically the two parts combined, i’ll just keep extending on the whole thing.

With the clip on Obama’s speech getting interrupted, that wasn’t really arguing.  Obama was talking about an arguementative topic, and some guy (i have no idea who it was) yelled, “liar!” in the middle of  his speech.  This wasn’t only rude, but it was very unacceptable.  since this guy is old and a professional manner, you’d this the guy would have better manners. and to top it all off, the speech was televised so he didn’t only make himself look like a butt in front of the people that attended, but also to the world.  you could tell it hurt the president’s feelings by his facial reaction.   Obama stopped in the middle of his speech, which not only upset him, but also the democratic party, anybody with a basic knowledge of manners, and nanci.  it was out of line, not his turn to speak, and he should be punished somehow for it. and take a course on arguing! like in the other video we watched in class.  however, in that video clip the man wanting arguing lessons didn’t even get them because the man he was told to go see just said no and yes. which is like an annoying conversation, not an argument.

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