Ashley Bubp’s GSW 1110 Blog (Fall 2009)

Another amazing bgsu blog

08/ 31/ 09

Filed under: Uncategorized — abubp at 11:46 pm on Sunday, August 30, 2009

as i read through the six essays, the one thing i noticed the most was passion.  all of the writers had a passion for what they were writing about.  this is probably one of the more “obvious” things. but, i’ve read things written by people who claim “writing is their passion” yet it doesn’t show through their writings like the essays in This I Believe.

If i had to explain the This I Believe goals to somebody, i would start off by saying this is a personal writing in first person.  it’s what you believe, maybe a moral or a life lesson you chose to live by.  try to stick away from controversial topics such as abortion and gay rights.  the point isn’t to start arguements with others. also, in the writing open up. pick an experience in your life that best goes with your This I Believe that not many people know about and encorporate it into your writing.

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