Ashley Bubp’s GSW 1110 Blog (Fall 2009)

Another amazing bgsu blog

08/ 28/ 09

Filed under: Uncategorized — abubp at 10:01 am on Friday, August 28, 2009

writing is important because it’s one of the more common forms of self- expression.  through writing, people can say basically whatever they  want to and not have to say it aloud and feel uncomfortable. also, writing is something that is done internationally, which puts everybody around the world on the same level (somewhat).

i would tell you the same thing i would tell anybody else. writing is a way of self- expression.

i would tell my ten-year old that writing is important because it’s something they’ll encounter the rest of their lives.  Children start writing at a young age, then in high school, college, and even past college.  Writing is done not only through papers, but notes, emails, blogs, ect, in which a person should be able to properly write as they get older.

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