Ashley N. Hughes

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Ashley N. Hughes

Entries Tagged as 'Reflection'

Habitat for Humanity Contra Dance fundraiser

April 26th, 2011 · 2,150 Comments · Application, TLEP 4830

I was the project manager for the Habitat for Humanity Contra Dance fundraiser that was held on April 8, 2011. This event was organized through a group project in a different TLEP class I am in, but throughout the actual event (and planning stages) there were different aspects that I thought of that I learned […]



LOL with UAO feating Ross Matthews – extra credit

April 26th, 2011 · 46 Comments · TLEP 4830

I would describe the “First Spring Comedy Festival featuring Ross Matthews” as being surprisingly funny. The price was very reasonable, only $5 per student. The event was also very well advertised prior and the pre-selling of tickets was great! I had never heard of Ross Mathews before this event, but all of my friends are […]



Perry Field House Tour Reflection

April 18th, 2011 · 171 Comments · Facility Tours, TLEP 4830

One thing about the Perry Field House that I never thought about before the tour was seating. The field house has portable bleachers, which according to chapter 12 in the text means they are smaller units and are constructed of lightweight materials. They will have skids or a wheel system to make them easy to […]



Ice Arena Management Reflection

March 15th, 2011 · 122 Comments · Facility Tours, TLEP 4830

                In the beginning, I really wasn’t that thrilled to have a tour of the BGSU Ice Arena. I have gone to numerous BGSU Hockey games, and have even sold tickets through the Ticket Office for events so I felt that I already knew the facility pretty well, and also that it just isn’t that […]



Capital Planning Reflection

February 11th, 2011 · 23 Comments · In Class Presentations, TLEP 4830

I really enjoyed the Capital Planning presentation by Bob Waddle, Mike Schuessler, and Ryan Miller. I thought all three men did a good job of recapping the importance of facility planning with the class. I was glad that they talked about how important it is to be flexible and have back-up plans in place if […]



SRC Management Tour Reflection

February 1st, 2011 · 157 Comments · Facility Tours, TLEP 4830

I really enjoyed the Student Recreation Center tour. The most prominent feature of the tour for me was all of the racquetball courts in the facility. I thought this was poor planning at the time of construction. The book describes the importance of maximization of space within a facility. It’s clear that when the SRC […]

