Ashley N. Hughes

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Ashley N. Hughes

Eppler Program Statement

February 1st, 2011 · No Comments · Application, TLEP 4830

As BGSU’s main campus continues to experience growth in enrollment, it will need to expand its provision of classrooms for those programs that are propelling this growth. I have identified potential renovation projects for the BGSU Eppler Complex through a sample feasibility study. The following are specific elements that are critical to the success of a construction project:

  1. Existing Conditions
    1. Verification of existing Master Plan
    2. Verification of interior condition
      1. i.      Preliminary understanding of circulation, adjacent plan organization, environmental conditions, building services, and need for utility upgrades
  2. Focus Groups and Survey
    1. Workshops with administration, faculty, staff, and key stakeholder groups
    2. Campus wide survey
  3. Occupants
    1. Who the building is serving
  4. Activities
    1. What spaces are required of this facility
  5. Programming
    1. Development of Program of Requirements (PoR) and Graphic Program Translation
  6. Conceptual Design
    1. Site planning, parking, layout based on Master Plan direction, and exterior building access and egress
    2. LEED Design integration
  7. Opinion of Preliminary Cost
    1. Projected cost and budget reviews
  8. Fundraising and Referendum Support
    1. Operations and revenue analysis, financial and debt retirement analysis, and market research
  9. Project Schedule
    1. Creation of project schedule that outlines major project design and construction phases, milestone, funding, and completion goals

10.  Final Report

  1. Executive summary, mission statement, goals and objectives, program description, peer comparisons, phasing strategies, coast models, relationship diagrams

Program statements are critical to the success of any construction project for numerous reasons. It provides information, which describes the scope of a proposed project in terms simple enough for a nonprofessional to understand and at the same time, provides detailed design data required by an architect. According to the Guide to Preparation of the Program Statement, the program statement serves as a planning and evaluation document. It should include information that adequately describes the need and purpose of the project and the general design criteria and standards upon which the design will be based.


Another great example of a Program Statements can be found on Sarah Atkinson’s blog. She has a great picture of a diagram explaining various Programming Opportunities!



Bostwick Design Partnership. Proposal for Programming and Conceptual Design. Rep. 2011. Print.

Hastings & Chivetta. Proposal for Student Recreation Center Feasibility Study. Rep. 2005. Print.

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