
Today during our small group critiques, a few classmates and my teacher critiqued my storyboard I had drawn out. I admit bits and pieces of it were a bit choppy and it left a few loose ends open, but they all gave me quite a few suggestions to help fix the story up a bit and I’ll definitely consider them and give my storyboard a good run-through and redo and rethink some things.

Some suggestions that were made:

– Get rid of Directions. Colosseum based off compass stays but no need to show Directions.

– Characters aren’t chained together until near the end of the animation.

– Foreshadow the Queen’s thrown crumbling near the start of the animation.

– Get rid of whole gun shooting scene. Instead of girl hitting bullet away it transitions back to her swinging at the Gator and hitting something harder instead.

– They make their escape because the wall/Queen’s thrown crumbles down due to destruction and acid taking effect.

– Queen herself chains them together as they make their escape. While she falls or something along those lines.

– There are 3 paths at the beginning, both want to go different ways, ends with them going down the center.

– Ends with the chain breaking for some reason and them leaving each other but then deciding to come back together and stay together. Still need to figure out how/why the chain’s going to break.

My next step is fixing up the story with these suggestions and make an animatic hopefully by the formal defense by next Tuesday.

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compass-rose-judy-merrell Progress Blog Report

Slowly making an updated storyboard for an animatic to get timing and sound down for the animation. The compass is inspiration for what the Colosseum will be based off of, and it’s nice because the story involves the directions as well, even if they aren’t necessarily mentioned as the directions.

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9/22/14 StoryBoard

photo 1 photo 2 photo 3 photo 4 photo 5

Notes and a rough storyboard of what my animation will hopefully be. Next up is a refined storyboard and animatic hopefully by Wednesday (aka my birthday heckie yes!)


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photoWorking on getting a storyboard ready. Not much progress yet because still narrowing down ideas



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Storyboard 01

Storyboard 02

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Senior Studio Contract

Senior Studio Contract


For my Senior Studio project, I plan on making a short 2D animation. The animation will be the backbone or centerpiece of the project, but I will also be including concept and pre-production work into the gallery show to go along with the animation. They will all focus on the same subject, a small story about a few characters. The pieces and animation will be set up in a way that the relate and correspond to each other as well as compliment each other.

The story behind the animation is about a crocodile dog-like creature and a girl with a gasmask. The story will be about their origin story and how they came to be literally attached to each other. The core of their story draws inspiration from the Aztec creation story. The Aztec creation story, to summarize, is about a god, the directions (north, south, east, west), and a sea monster; the sea monster being half fish and half crocodile. Drawing inspiration from this story as well as placing my own personality and touch into these characters, I will create a cool animation.

The formal aesthetics to this project also go along with the Aztec creation story. That along with my cartoony sketchy style, I’ll create an animation that reflects this story as well as my style. Pulling from nature and a ruin-like setting, the animation will take place. This is where my pre-production pieces come into place. I plan on those pieces being mostly the background images but possible also character concepts or character sheets.

For the final product, the animation will be handdrawn, colored and finalized in Photoshop, then put all together in After Effects. The animation itself will only be 1-2 minutes long. For the gallery space, the animation will be projected onto the wall and on either side of the animation, the pre-production pieces will be hanging. I plan on having 6-8 pieces on the sides.


gallery setup.png

Equipment: Computer with Photoshop and After Effects, Paper, Pencils, Projector, Lots of time.


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Self-Assessment Essay

Where am I as an artist? That’s a very hard question for me to answer at this moment in my life, because honestly, I’m not quite sure. I know what I like, I like animation and I like drawing, but it’s finding a style that’s right for me or a way of animating that works best for me that I have trouble with. My main medium is definitely Photoshop. I usually make more cartoony things more than anything else, though every time and again i’ll try digital painting, which I think I’m alright at. I really like to focus on colors and a space for characters to be, not just a white background. I also really enjoy drawing and animating sfx things like explosions, smoke, or fire. What I think is most distinctive about my work is probably either the current style I make something in, or the colors.

One of my all time favorite artists is Nargyle ( http://nargyle.tumblr.com/ ). I just really love her style and she has a great sense of color in all of her pieces and is just a huge inspiration to me.

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