It is October first, the beginning of the spooky month! I have been working on quite a bit since last update, so let’s jump in!
First, the enemy swordsman has received both a walking sprite and an attack sprite! The walking sprite has gone through 2 iterations already, the first one i made for it was a bit too active and busy for the personality i was trying to achieve for the character so i started again from scratch and this time i came up with something i liked quite a bit more!
I really enjoy animating the subtleties in detail, such as the hair and fur movement, and the flaps at the bottom of the tunic. There wasn’t a lot of room for that in the subtlety of a shuffling walk animation, but i got to go wild with this guy’s sword attack!
Moving on to environments, i finally completed a parallax tiling background for many of the game’s areas! It is quite large at 1920×1080 in comparison to the sprites of the game, so some resizing may be necessary.
The tiling of it is really seamless, but you’ll have to wait until the game to see it in action!
I have also been working on a bunch of environmental sprites, really trying to spice up the flavor of the setting, making it seem more lived in and less just like an empty testing area. I have made 5 tree sprites, but instead of showing you them individually, i’ve decided to treat you to a snapshot of an area within the game!
Lastly, my coder has been hard at work learning the ins and outs of the unity engine, and he has gotten a playable test! It is a simple gravity and character controller, but has also included the functionality of slopes, and has started his work on area lights! Unfortunately i cannot include footage of this demo as i don’t have a screen recorder yet, but it is coming along swimmingly!