Category Archives: Uncategorized

11/19 Update

My first image I reworked because I got some feedback from my professional review and my reviewer said that the picture planes didn’t really match up so I tried to make them more cohesive.  I also thought that my first version of the second image was too dark and not “weird” enough so I reworked that one.  Third image is done for now as is the fourth image. Both are planned to be a part of my final series, which means I will have completed my images with this post.  I worked hard on them and it has been fun.  The last one really reminds me of Ohio because it was taken in a cornfield.  I’ve also been writing and rewriting and revising my artist statements so I’ve been very busy over the holiday break but it has been fun. From this point on I will probably only make minor adjustments unless I get some game changing critiques, which might happen, and that’s ok, but for the most part I think I’ve reached the end of the road.






11/7 Update

I made the three images below.  The first image I like but I think it might be too similar to the first finalized image in my series, the tree with three suns.  As usual, I made many versions.   I probably won’t use the second image unless I change it.  It needs something, and I have tried plenty of things but nothing worked well.  The last image I also feel is inconsistent with my series, particular the sunset clouds I added.  That is all I have to report on this week.



