Monthly Archives: November 2018

11/26 Update

I arranged my images in the grid format I image them to be as of now.  I may change the order later.  Having completed my images I have found more research on the holographic principle which I have compiled here. The first video is a great summary of it, but doesn’t get into any detail or nuance. The second video gives a little more context to how the holographic principle came about, and is an interview with Leonard Susskind, one of the pioneers of the holographic principle.  The final video is highly recommended because it goes in much more depth and is a lecture by Leonard Susskind on the holographic principle.







11/19 Update

My first image I reworked because I got some feedback from my professional review and my reviewer said that the picture planes didn’t really match up so I tried to make them more cohesive.  I also thought that my first version of the second image was too dark and not “weird” enough so I reworked that one.  Third image is done for now as is the fourth image. Both are planned to be a part of my final series, which means I will have completed my images with this post.  I worked hard on them and it has been fun.  The last one really reminds me of Ohio because it was taken in a cornfield.  I’ve also been writing and rewriting and revising my artist statements so I’ve been very busy over the holiday break but it has been fun. From this point on I will probably only make minor adjustments unless I get some game changing critiques, which might happen, and that’s ok, but for the most part I think I’ve reached the end of the road.






11/14 Update

I am pretty happy with the way these two images turned out. They will definitely go into my final.  The editing process was not too bad for these, and the first one went really quickly.  I only needed four layers. I can’t say the same for the second one, but I’m fairly pleased with how it turned out.  I like the colors and the compositions of these images.  Sometimes I can get on a roll when I’m editing and this was one of those times.




11/12 Update

I am continuing editing the images I have taken.  I played around with the tree image from my last post, and got the first image you see. I think I changed it enough, but looking at it now the color is even more similar to my three suns and tree image, so maybe I’ll change it again, even though i like the color.  It looks like gold dust from a distance.  The second image is finalized for the most part.It took a while to arrive at this image, and as usual I made a bunch of versions.  I have a version without the sun, but I ended up liking the sun.  The last image I also went through quite a few versions and compositions before I arrived at it.  I’m not sure it will make the final cut though.





11/7 Update

I made the three images below.  The first image I like but I think it might be too similar to the first finalized image in my series, the tree with three suns.  As usual, I made many versions.   I probably won’t use the second image unless I change it.  It needs something, and I have tried plenty of things but nothing worked well.  The last image I also feel is inconsistent with my series, particular the sunset clouds I added.  That is all I have to report on this week.





11/5 Update

I am no longer taking picking and am focusing on editing.  The first image is the finalized version of the image I posted last time.  This one was fun to edit.  The second image I don’t think I will keep but I spend some time on it. I may come back to it, but probably not because it was taken over the summer and doesn’t fit with the rest of my series.  I hit the data limit for wordpress, so I have to resize my images and upload them to Flickr and paste the link. I have made multiple versions of the images below.  The top one in particular, I edited by carefully adjusting the hue of various parts of the image like the red leaves and “sky.”  The third image I might come back too, but for now I have to step away and consider it over a few days.  The same with the last one. I’m not really feeling them. The top one is my favorite.








10/31 Update

As a result of refocusing on the Holographic Principle, I realized that all except one image I showed for my BFA midterm I did not fit with my series, so I am focusing on editing and producing more images rather than shooting to make up for those.  I have more images to show than the ones below, but I have reached my upload limit, and I think deleting images would delete them from my site entirely, so I am not sure if I should do that.  The other images were different versions of the two I uploaded, so you get the main images below but you can’t see what it took to get there.