Daily Archives: October 22, 2018

10/17 Update

I have been editing my photos based on the feedback I got during my midterm.  The first and last photos are images i have reworked because the feedback I got was that they were too graphic-like, and did not fit with the other images.  I also stuck with the holographic principle in the way I edited my images, stretching them and overlaying them onto the image to create a multi-leveled, illusory effect.  The new images are mostly works in progress, with the second and fourth being more finalized.

I also talked to Jason about what I will need to display my piece in the gallery.  I will have to use one circuit for my nine displays, and I will need nine media players, and nine flashdrives.  I bought a pack of ten flash drives last night.  The displays are LED, and I will need time to set it up and test the color accuracy.  He said it will take a while to set it up, and likened it to building a house, so he suggested I don’t actually hang the displays but set them up on the floor for my December defense.  He also said the best place for it would be in the corner of the gallery by Jackie’s office, so the wires can go up and over the wall. He advised I start hanging the monitors from the bottom up, and recommended I use an inch or two of space between monitors because otherwise it would be very difficult to accurately place the hanging mounts for the displays to be tightly placed.



10/15 Update

On Friday, I gave my presentation and got some good advice.  My notes that I took after the presentation consist of:

-Narrow focus

-2 circle images don’t fit

-Focus on holographic universe theory

-Listen to the landscape when I’m out shooting

-Printing images adds 2D-ness if I’m focusing on the holographic universe principle

-Kim said my concept is up her alley

-Using screens because of the simulation hypothesis is good

-Dena feels like she is experiencing the holographic universe when she is out shooting


Keeping these things in mind, I went out shooting in Wildwood Park.  I was amazed by what a nice park it was, complete with a picturesque covered bridge and a winding boardwalk high above the forest.  These are a sample of the images which I have edited.