Category Archives: Game Environments

Final Game Environments

Clyde’s bunker: Clyde keeps his house in disrepair, as all he cares about his food. There are a lot of dangerous items left around for the children. There are a lot of hazardous chores that the children are made to do here. The kitchen is featured prominently in this location. The stove is very strange and worries the children.

Black Market Hub: Foreman Clyde sends the children on dangerous errands in this area. There are many unscrupulous people here. It is said to smell like a diseased swamp. Everything is pushed into the shadows, and the stalls are portable, ready to evacuate at a moments notice.

Banesville: This town is in the middle of nowhere. It is isolated and it is hard to find anyone of importance should help be needed. There are small shops along the main street selling items as diverse as flight technology items to jelly beans. The weather is known to be unpredictable. The authorities are in the town connected to it by a long stretch of highway.

Town Outskirts with Clyde’s Bunker


concept art