Chapter Six Thoughts….

Written by apsutte on October 17th, 2010

Chapter six discusses the effect of administrators on school technology.  Administrators decided what technology schools can and cannot have access to and fight for funding to have multiple technologies in the classroom.  Many school administrators are excited about creating school blogs or wikis where teachers and parents have more open communication.  Teachers are able to instantly inform all students and parents of upcoming events or assignments due to publishing updates to all users.  These tools help support school pride and successes through keeping students and parents informed and active.  The biggest strain on administrators concerning technology advancements is the cost.  Not only can the initial price of implementing technology be quite costly for a district but, these tools cost money to maintain into the future as well.  The text suggests investing time into researching open source technologies as a potential solution.  However, they do caution that this is no easy task and much self training and research is necessary to be successful at implementing these sources. 

I think it’s awesome that teachers are able to display student work on school websites for all parents to see.  So often kids go home and their parents ask them “what did you do in school today?” and the student responds with minimal effort and will groan at the question.  Creating a way for teachers to continuously update and show parents what is going on in their classrooms pulls the parents into the experience.  It creates a channel for parents  into your classroom and this can buy you favor as an educator in the eyes of the parent.  When the parents see projects and updates on their children, they will feel curious, proud, and vested in your classroom. 

I feel it is equally important for administrators to reach out to their local businesses for technology advice and support.  The purpose of schools is for the betterment of society and the establishment of a competent workforce.  Schools are often on the laggard end of adapting new technologies and it is important for administrators to make connections to improve this trend.  Schools are a business themselves and it is always important for businesses to understand their industry.  By creating a technology advisory panel composed of local tech-savvy business officials, administrators will have a source to use for direction, advice, or feedback on specific technologies that might be worthwhile to adapt in their own school system.


3 thoughts on “Chapter Six Thoughts….

  1. ctusing
    10:15 pm - 10-17-2010

    Schools are like a business, and that the administration is crucial in being involved and supportive of their local schools. Therefore it is important they help their local schools keep up to date with the new technology.

  2. annef
    1:29 pm - 10-18-2010

    Angela- I agree with your thoughts about displaying student work online. I think it can give them a sense of pride. It also may be good because they may be more encouraged to produce better work if they know other people are going to be viewing it.

  3. mdietz
    12:41 pm - 11-1-2010

    I’m also a big fan of teachers showing off their student’s work. I think even if you can’t do it with technology being able to display it in some sort of showcase is a great idea too!

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