October 3rd, 2010

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Chapter Five Thoughts….

Sunday, October 3rd, 2010

It is easy to see that technology in schools is not reaching it’s full potential as mentioned in the beginning of the chapter.  I agree with the chapter that the cause of this is due to the lack of experience teacher have in creating relevant items.  Often times the teachers are asked to understand the technology and the purpose it serves but, they are not challenged to create something for their personal classroom through the introductory technology.  As a future business educator I am nervous about the lack of technological experience other teachers I might be working with will posses.  I have observed my mentor teacher being bombarded with multiple requests a day to perform simple technological tasks for other instructors who simply don’t know how.  I wonder if it would be more beneficial for me to make an appointment with that instructor and walk them through my actions step by step so that they can observe and take notes on the tasks I perform for them.  I would then provide the other instructor an opportunity to perform the same tasks and explore the technology with me present.  I think that educators helping fellow educators is a great start to increasing the productivity of technology in classrooms.  It maybe more time consuming in the short run to train other educators but you are providing them with multiple potential future benefits once they can work independently and freely. 

Many businesses use technology at a much larger capacity and are more successful in adapting these sources than educational systems.  I feel that this is because the relevancy for the task is perhaps more apparent when in a job setting.  Training is mandatory and the trainees are shown exactly how they will use technology to benefit them directly.  If educators who are learning new technologies for their classrooms could be shown authentic applications for the content they were learning I believe the adaptation rate would be much higher and match that of modern businesses.

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