annef's blog

August 30th, 2010

Chapter 1–The Internet was made for something besides social networking?

Posted by annef in Uncategorized    

My first memory of using the Internet was using AOL Instant Messenger (AIM), my first email account was through hotmail, and the only websites I went to were for ‘NSYNC.  It’s shocking how things have changed, but I never considered the initial purpose of the Internet.  The text first mentions a form of the Internet in the 1970’s, a time far before the age of our potential students.

A great classroom discussion would be the students’ first memories of using the Internet and how their interests have evolved as the Internet evolved.  A research project could be created where students poll the school’s student body on their Internet usage.  This could then be done using a business perspective.  Each student could be assigned a specific company to review the tools used via the Internet and how the company has evolved.

I think the overall message of Chapter 1 is simply the power the Internet can have on our lives, whether it be personal or from a business aspect.  From the students’ perspective you could discuss the impact of rumors being spread of such social networking sites as Facebook and Twitter, or even a website such as Wikipedia where the sources are not confirmed.  The impact this generation can have on the business world is astounding, and by showing them this power we can hopefully have it used for “good” versus “evil”.

12 thoughts on “Chapter 1–The Internet was made for something besides social networking?

  1. Hey Annie,
    Thinking back to our first experiences with the internet and the fact that our future students were born using the internet is rather mind boggling! Most students will not even know what “dial-up” is!

    Discussing the “good” versus “evil” of the internet is a great idea. It is amazing to me how many students here at BGSU think that Wikipedia is a good source. Plus, if students do not have parents who are internet savvy and a good role model for them, they may not understand the dangers that social networking sites may have.


      lkelble — August 30, 2010 @ 12:47 pm   Reply

  2. I sincerely agree that the classroom discussion topic would be a great start to establish student’s knowledge and current usage on using the Internet. You could really branch this off into many different ways to spark many other discussions also!

      ryancw — August 30, 2010 @ 12:57 pm   Reply

  3. I agree with your stress on the change the existance and growth of the internet in homes and how it has changed our lives. The internet is such an amazing tool yet, when I visit schools and students have down time to use computers I often see many of them playing video games or using facebook. I am curious to learn ways of increasing the love of learning for teenagers and empowering them to search the internet more frequently and use it to educate themselves more for personal intersests.

      apsutte — August 30, 2010 @ 4:12 pm   Reply

  4. I like your first memory of using the computer as an assignment. My first e-mail account was with Prodigy (you probably never heard of it). I remember working on a little Apple E in one of my Ph.D. classes too. Each year a list is completed for the students entering college about what they experienced. The last one was published in the August 18 issue of the Blade. Very interesting information.

      Rose Kuceyeski — August 30, 2010 @ 9:11 pm   Reply

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