annef's blog

November 29th, 2010

A Day In The Life

Posted by annef in Uncategorized    

1. How could you create a similar experience for any business education curriculum and/or course?

  • To recreate this in a business education course I would base the course on collaborative learning.  I would combine the use of wiki’s and google docs for all in class work and assignments.  Students would be split into teams and would have the choice of using either technology, based on their preference.  Regardless, I would have access to their work so that I could monitor changes and make comments.

2. What do you think is a strength of his scenario?

  •  The biggest strength I found throughout the article was the collaboration among all involved.  It helps to show that its more than just the one teacher for that one class that believes this method is effective.  Especially for the business concepts, it helps to show application such as in the community.

3. What do you think is a weakness of his scenario?

  • One of the weaknesses is the multitude of resources necessary to implement it.  Not just financial resources to have the technology available to all, but also the human resources to monitor and operate it.  It may be difficult to start initially but once the kinks were worked out, it may be easier to run.

One thought on “A Day In The Life

  1. Nice summation of this article. I agree with your weakness too. Plus, sometimes too much collaboration can be difficult.

      Rose Kuceyeski — November 30, 2010 @ 8:07 pm   Reply

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