annef's blog

November 22nd, 2010

Chapter 9

Posted by annef in Uncategorized    

The overall theme of this chapter was utilizing the tools available to you to the best of your ability.  All teachers are expected to maintain their licenses and to bring in the best tools for their students to use in learning.  Both of these can be accomplished through professional development.  As business teachers we have additional certifications in areas that involve technology, so it is a necessity that we stay on top of the technological game.    The authors discussed a specific conference that allowed the teachers to apply what they were learning.  There are extensive professional development seminars that help us to learn first hand abou these technologies.  The challenge comes in picking the appropriate ones.

2 thoughts on “Chapter 9

  1. It is our job as educators to give the students the best education.

      ctusing — November 22, 2010 @ 3:26 pm   Reply

  2. You are right about the challenge of picking the appropriate PD seminars. Of course, you also have your online networking with your PLN.

      Rose Kuceyeski — November 22, 2010 @ 10:13 pm   Reply

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