annef's blog

October 25th, 2010

Chapter 7

Posted by annef in Uncategorized    

Chapter 7’s overall theme was Internet safety.  The copyright issues were very interesting to me because I still have moments where I have to check if I quoted or referenced something properly.  Business courses could be especially at risk of violating a copyright law in cases such as advertising and not using other company’s logo.  It is important that we take every step at setting a good example for students when creating lesson plans or using examples in class.

Website control while in the classroom was the other key point of this chapter.  Schools are responsible for taking extreme precautions when it comes to the Internet sites students access during school hours.  I am not sure if this is always the best decision.  Although the obvious sites should be blocked, such as pornography, but some sites could be beneficial for students to use during certain classes.  I believe it should be more the responsibility of the teacher to monitor the students’ Internet usage so that the students can have the best of both worlds; safety and Internet access.

5 thoughts on “Chapter 7

  1. I think students need to hear about copyrights as much as possible and how they cite information they use. Like you said Annie you still are unsure of how to cite or give credit to information you use. The more the students are exposed to this the easier it will be for them when they are older, thus putting the students at less risk for copyright infringement.

      zgueth — October 25, 2010 @ 4:15 pm   Reply

  2. I, too, still check too make sure I’m referencing correctly. Your point is well taken regarding the logo statement. Many do not realize that they can’t use company logos without documentation.

      Rose Kuceyeski — October 27, 2010 @ 4:45 pm   Reply

  3. I think that one of the best ways to limit students misuse of technology is to have a firm consequence structure. I think the best option would be for students to not only lose the opportunity to use the technology in the classroom, but also to have consequences involving grading.

      mdietz — November 1, 2010 @ 12:53 pm   Reply

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