annef's blog

October 4th, 2010

Chapter 5

Posted by annef in Uncategorized    

The topic I connected most with was the learning communities. Our recent assignment for the graduate students actually helped me to understand what a learning community was, and this text helped me to achieve that.  I don’t think learning communities are used enough in the education world, especially business education.  We spend so much time trying to such for lesson plans or curriculum that other people have developed, and yet if we had a learning community we could save a lot of time.  We talk about students working in groups to help learn from each other, and we need to start doing the same in a more effective manner.

I thought the discussion about teacher in-service was interesting.  It is important for students to have the most up-to-date teaching methods presented to them, and in-service days are a great way to achieve that.  However, I do think there are alternative ways of conducting an in-service; such as podcasts, webcams, etc.  If a teacher is not able to attend an in-service day I think they should be required to supplement it with an alternative form that discusses the same topics.

4 thoughts on “Chapter 5

  1. There are many alternatives to professional development and hopefully your PLN will be a tool for you.

      Rose Kuceyeski — October 16, 2010 @ 8:38 pm   Reply

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