annef's blog

September 13th, 2010

Chapter 3

Posted by annef in Uncategorized    

The focus of chapter 3 was on Web 2.0.  “Web 2.0 pages display their content in reverse-choronological order”.  Such tools involved in Web 2.0 include: blogs, podcasts, wikis, social bookmarking, photo sharing, photo editing, and video showcasing.  Specific tools for educational purpose include: mapping, 3D modeling, social networking, organizing web info, surveys, and mashups.  Google was also discussed from an educational stand point.  Google is effective first because it is a recongnizable name, so students are more prone to use it.  The search engine turned phenominon has dozens of other tools that can be used in the classroom and out.

The Web 2.0 map on page 47 would be a great introductory tool to teaching students about Web 2.0.  This could be done by having students split into teams and draw out the own Web 2.0 map and comparing it to the text book version.  As with any tool I believe as educators we must teach them first how to use the tool appropriately outside of the classroom.  Once students comprehend the relevance they are more likely to appreciate the impact such tools can have.  A perfect example for using a Google tool in the classroom is GoogleDocs.  GoogleDocs allows multiple people to edit the same document at different locations.  The tool also tracks who made the changes and when.  This would be a valuable tool when monitoring group work of students.

One thought on “Chapter 3

  1. Great idea for class activity.

      Rose Kuceyeski — September 17, 2010 @ 2:07 pm   Reply

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