annef's blog

September 13th, 2010

Chapter 2

Posted by annef in Uncategorized    

The chapter began with an analysis of the types of internet users and their activities.  The impact both personally and from a business stand point that the internet has on individuals was next discussed. The text also discussed a change in Bloom’s Taxonomy Knowledge Dimensions.  The dimensions are now: Factual knowledge, Conceptual knowledge, Procedural knowledge, and Meta-Cogntive knowledge.  Types of learning that were discussed in this chapter included constructivism, project-based learning, and connectivism.  Constructivism requires students building upon knowledge they have already acquired.  Project-based learning is the actual application of constrtuctivism.  Connectivism takes project-based learning another step further by emphasizing technology.

According to the text, Americans 13-24 are now spending more time on the internet than in front of the television.  Ironically, I would bet a significant amount of that time is spent WATCHING television series episodes while they are completing homework or on a social networking site.  As expected, when the age of in the individual increases the type of technology used via the internet is matured.  I think everyone begins their internet exprience in one of two ways; Google or creating an e-mail account.  What I don’t think some people think about is how much businesses really know about the internet habits.  Cookies and tracking methods tell businesses which websites we go to and how long we spend there.  This then leads to e-mail advertisments and promotional advertisements.

2 thoughts on “Chapter 2

  1. A succinct review. In my day, we watched a lot of TV–passive activity. Now it’s the Internet–interactive.

      Rose Kuceyeski — September 17, 2010 @ 2:06 pm   Reply

  2. I can very much agree as a person in that age group that I am regularly multitasking while doing homework and using the internet.

      mdietz — September 20, 2010 @ 7:15 pm   Reply

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