Apr 24 2009

Reflective Introduction

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Hello readers! My name is Andy Lyon and I completed this portfolio for my English 207 class, Intermediate writing. I am a junior at Bowling Green State University and throughout my time spent in Intermediate writing, I have learned all about literacy’s and how they impact my life. This portfolio contains all the literacy projects that we have completed in this class: the visual narrative, literacy narrative, PSA, rhetorical analysis, resume and cover letter, and a re-seeing project. I also chose to do two revisions to my original projects in order to make them better. I revised my literacy narrative and my resume and cover letter. I wrote a reflection on each of my revised projects reflecting back onto why I chose to revise, the choices I made, and why I think the project is better.

My portfolio demonstrates my growth of knowledge about literacy’s and how they impact my life. By doing the first two assignments, my visual narrative and my literacy narrative, I was able to see the impact that literacy’s have on my daily life. Before this class I had never really thought about literacy’s before but throughout this class I slowly realized how important literacy’s truly are to me and everyone else in the world. By doing the visual narrative I was able to see that I perform literacy acts at home, school, and coaching. In my literacy narrative I was able to heavily analyze coaching and how it relates to literacy. Towards the end of the semester, I completed the resume and cover letter assignment. This assignment really helped me create a resume and cover letter which I can use when I am job hunting for a teaching job. It was interesting to me to see that something as important as a resume and cover letter can be a literacy act. By reflecting back onto all the assignments we have completed in this class, it amazes me how many things are considered literacy acts. Even completing the visual narrative, I was still blind to the fact that literacy is everywhere. Creating the PSA showed me that literacy goes hand-in-hand with technology. Before this assignment I never really linked technology with literacy’s and it was interesting to see how relatable they both can be.

Literacy projects weren’t the only assignments we had in the class. We also had to do numerous reflection papers and blogs. Writing reflections were a good way to address the problems that were present in my project. It was also beneficial to analyze the various choices I made in my project and explain why I chose them and how it made my project better.

One aspect of my completion of these projects that may not be visible in this portfolio is the help that I received from my peers. Every project that we were working on in class had to be talked about with a peer. It was nice to get another students opinion on my project. Peer reviews took a lot of time to complete because we had to use Microsoft Word and use the highlight function to point out thesis statements, main ideas, and confusing sentences. Reviewers also had to summarize each paragraph and offer any suggestions on how to make the paragraph stronger. Peer reviews helped me tremendously in creating better and stronger final projects.

Feel free to go ahead and read and enjoy the rest of my portfolio.

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