Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Feb 10 2009

2/11 Blog Homework

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1. Pathos- a term that is used to describe the authors attempt in connecting with the audience through the audience’s self interest and their emotion. The purpose of pathos is to evoke emotions in the audience such as love, hate, sadness etc.

2.This video really evoked emotion about the US troops that need our support. Talking about the US Troops always evokes eomtion in every american because of the constant struggles that they face on a daily basis. They showed pictures of troops and included sad music to help the audience better evoke their emotion.

3. In Momaday’s article I really found the following passage to represnt pathos:

“And it should be by birthright also that the child learns to read and write, and is therefore enabled to discover the riches of the world and to share those riches with others.” Momaday is evoking an emotion of happiness and appreciation for life as a whole as well as literacy. He is showing the importance of literacy by evoking the audiences emotion. He does this by talking about a baby, which everyone always seems to be happy around.

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Feb 09 2009

2/9 What should a literacy narrative do?

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From the reading and personal experience I believe in order to complete a good literacy narrative, you must include a lot of things. First of the narrative must be able to tell a story. That story should be easily understood by your audience. The narrative should also be organized well so you are able to present ideas in an orderly fashion. If the narrative is unorganized than your ideas might not be presented very clear. The story that is told by your narrative should be able to reflect a literacy and how it has affected the author of the work. I think also a big factor of a literacy narrative is grammer and your writing skills. It’s important to follow everything you have learned throughout english class and use it to express your ideas correctly.

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Feb 05 2009

2/6 Blog- Activity 2

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I thought that this article was extremly interesting. I think that this article is saying that literacy is not devolped by yourself but taught by other people. You talk the way you talk beacuse other people taught you how to talk. I think it is also saying that literacy devolpment is routine, because every baby born learns their language from the people that are around them. THis connects to my own literacy development because it really got my thinking about the way I talk and communicate. Looking at it I can see that I talk very simiar to my friends and family, the people that are around my the most. Our literacys are learned all throughout our lives but we do not learn by ourselves, we learn by others.

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Feb 05 2009

2/6 Blog- Activity 1

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I think for every one of my topic ideas the ideal reader will be the audience and brittany. The audience brings alot of diversity to my topics because everyone is from different backgrounds. Some people may have experienced some of my ideas and some people might of not experienced them. Each person that reads my narrative will get something different from it.

1. Coaching- I think my audience will like my idea of coaching and some people may be able to realte. If they can’t relate to the coaching aspect they will probably relate to the interactions with kids.

2. Reading-Even though this is not very original I believe everyone can relate to this, whether its positive or negative. Everyone read growing up and some people like it and some people didnt.

3. College- EVERYONE can relate to this idea in our class because everyone is currently in college and brittany has already gone through it. I think that most college students have a positive outlook on their experience and will be able to positively relate to this idea.

4. Technology- Going along with my college idea, I believe everyone can relate to this idea as well. Everyone uses technology in our class because they all have to blog and use the computer. College students are also prone to watching tv, texting, and playing video games which also is technology.

5. Ebay- I am not too sure how my audience will relate to this idea but I think its unique and definitly worth while. Ebay has grown throughout the past few years to a large trading company. Billions of people use ebay to buy all sorts of things. More people in the class may be able to relate to this more heavily than I am expecting.

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Feb 05 2009

2/4 Blog Homework

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1. Coaching- The overall experience of coaching and the kids I coach help to sponsor my literacy deveolpment. Through this experience I learned the good and bad ways of communicating with my players.

2. Reading books- Reading interested me when I was little and really shaped the person that I am today. I read all sorts of books, magazines and newspapers. I am really up to date on current events due to the joy I get out of reading. I started enjoying reading when my dad and I used to read.

3. College- Becoming a college student really opened me up as a person. I came out of my shell and used various literacies in order to communicate with others and make friends.

4. Technology- This has really become a big part of my life. I can’t even imagine what I would be like without and tv and computer. Having both of those things throughout my life has really opened me up to many literacys.

5. Ebay- I have sold many things on ebay and have come to realize over time the right and wrong things to say when posting an item for sale. Becoming literate within the ebay community has really increased my sales and has helped me out financially.

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Feb 04 2009

2/4 What is a narrative?

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In my opinion, a narrative is a way to tell a story. The narrative can be either written down or seen visually but it must tell your audience something.  When most people think of a narrative the first word that comes to mind is a story. Most people believe stories can be told only by writing them but they also can be seen visually with pictures and videos. My experiences with narratives were through writing essays and stories for my various english classes. This class really opened up my eyes to the fact that a narrative can tell a story without using any words. I think I captured a pretty good story within my visual narrative that we have accomplished in this class.

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Jan 31 2009

1/30 Out of Class Visual Narrative Assignment

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After analyzing my rough idea for the visual narrative assignment and looking over the assignment sheet a couple of times I am even more confident with my idea. Today I coached two basketball games and took pictures at them. I waited to write this until my games were over just to make sure the pictures turned out well and that they were something I wanted to use. They turned out really well as they show me doing many literate acts throughout the game; talking, raising my hands, and doing many hand gestures. I think that these pictures of me coaching are what is unique in my presentation and I am really looking forward to presenting it. I also went to the library and took pictures of me on a computer, reading a book, etc to show the various literacy acts I use throughout my school week. I also have taken pictures of me interacting with my friends and doing my hobbies at my house to show the literacy acts I use at my house throughout the week. All three seperate catagories have literacy acts within them that all can be linked together. The purpose of my presentation is to show my audience that the literacy acts I use are all very similar and overlap each other no matter what situation I am in or what I am doing. My presentation may need to be fine tuned and reworked. I may want to include more pictures than what I have right now or I may want to include another category. I’m excited to finish my visual narrative.

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Jan 30 2009

1/30 In-Class Visual Narrative Assignment

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For my visual narrartive I will be doing a collage of the various literacies that I used throughout the week. I will include pictures of me at school, with my friends, and coaching. I use literacy in all of those daily/weekly activities. I will have about 4 or 5 pictures within each group of me doing different literacy activities such as reading, writing, talking, and looking at symbols.

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Jan 29 2009


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In order to create a good visual narrative, the images that you include need to be able to persuade your audience. The images need to grab your audiences attention and draw them into your narrative. A visual narrative needs to effectively communicate your thoughts and ideas without using audio communication. A visual narrative not only needs grab the audience attention but it needs to keep the full attention of your audience from start to end. The content and ideas that are presented in a visual narrative need to be fully understood and comprehended by your audience in order for you to have a successful visual narrative.

A bad visual narrative is one that does not grab the audiences attention and/or loses their attention during the presentation of the narrative. Having a narrative that is not organized or well thought out will cause confusion and will prevent your audience from understanding your narrative. Just putting a bunch of pictures together or random video shots together will not work. Creating a successful visual narrative takes time and patience. Chances are that if you the creator have confusion on the meaning of anything in the visual narrative; then your audience will be even more confused. You want to avoid confusion at all cost because disorganization and confusion cause for a bad visual narrative.

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Jan 29 2009


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I thought the “What is CC?” website was a very interesting and useful website. I always thought their was only one type of copyright and that was that noone could use your work, no matter the circumstance. I think that the “some rights reserved” is an interesting idea which allows for creativity to be shared. My main question has to deal with the legality and the siting of a “some rights reserved” source. If you borrow someone’s ideas from their “some rights reserved” copyright do you have to site it? Or can you just take the information and claim it as your own? Is their some type of rule or law against that?

We use visuals as a way to interpret and better understand things throughout society. Just simply looking at a description on how to do something may not be easy. Having pictures and visuals on how to do that same thing often helps or aids in learning. Visuals are effectively used depending on the individual using them. Some poeple are visual learners and learn better this way and others do not. Visuals play an important role in communication by allowing us to communicate without actually talking. We can present many ideas on various things but showing pictures and videos. Just talking is not the sole way we communicate. Visuals are important in everything becuase they are everwhere. Understanding a map when driving is using visuals as well as recognizing street signs. If a person could not use visuals and did not understand street/road signs a person would not be able to have a license. Not being able to drive would heavily affect a persons life. As a teacher we need to realize visual images and know that students sometimes learn by using visuals. Visuals are everywhere in society and we need to know how to interpret them in order to successful communicate with friends, family and co-workers.

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