Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Apr 24 2009

Blog 4/24

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Before this class, I had never really used blogs before whether it was in the classroom or out of the classroom. Blogging every class was something that I knew I had to do coming into class everyday. I thought it was a good idea to express our ideas and an easy way for us to ask you questions. It was nice to be able to communicate in a different way rather than email or in person. I also liked the comments that I recieved. Sometimes the comments were actually helpful  when trying to come up with ideas for a project because the students in the class have great ideas.

If I could change a thing to the blogging for this course I would have to say the amount of blogs we wrote. It’s not because I am lazy or didn’t like blogging, I just felt that at times, blogging was overemphasized. I would often write my blogs as quick as possible just to get them done. My suggestion would be to maybe only blog once or twice a week but make the blog enteries and prompts alot longer and detailed.

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Apr 21 2009

Blog 4/22 Homework

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1. How much of my original lesson plan would you like me to include? If I include the lesson plan with all the handouts it is 24 pages, is that ok?

2. WIth the 2-3 page paper what do you actually mean by explaining the choices I made? How do I relate it to literacy?

3. Do I need to include a reflection along with my 2-3 page paper?

4. Is their a way you can create questions for topics to write the 2-3 page paper? I am having troubel getting the required length.

5. Should our 2-3 page paper include a conclusion?

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Apr 20 2009

Blog 4/20

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Re-seeing a lesson plan allows me to learn more about lesson plans as a whole. By analyzing a lesson plan that I have written, I can effectively critique it and determine the good and bad things about it. Critiquing my lesson plan is a great idea because it will help me create better, well-polished ones in the future. Writing a lesson plan is something that I will have to do on a weekly basis when I become a teacher. Being able to write an effective lesson plan is a vital tool and re-seeing my original lesson plan will help me learn how to write a more effective lesson plan.

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Apr 17 2009

Blog 4/17

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Options 1 & 2 Focus

1.      For my final project I am going to focus on a lesson plan literacy because:


I feel like writing a lesson plan not only includes several literacy’s but also is something that I will be doing very often when I become a teacher.




2. This is a literacy because:


A lesson plan entails writing, reading, and being able to comprehend what is written.





3. Explain how you use/practice/demonstrate this literacy right now in your life right now (in other words, what role does the literacy in question one play in your life)?


Lesson plans play a role in my life because I have to write them in various classes and will have to write them everyday when I become a teacher. I practice this literacy by creating lesson plans in classes and coming up with ideas for lesson plans both in the classroom and on my own time.





4. Explain how this literacy might be used by others in their personal lives.  Explain how this literacy might be used by others in their professional lives.


A way less formal lesson plans are used by people everyday throughout their lives. People are often writing things down on a “to-do” list. Every teacher uses this literacy in their professional lives because all teachers write lesson plans. Some write more formal ones than others and some are longer than others but overall, every teacher writes lesson plans. Some do it on a weekly basis others do it on a daily basis.





5. How do you see yourself using this literacy professionally?  What need does this literacy meet that others cannot?  In other words, what will this literacy do that others do not?


I see myself using this literacy professionally because it is a requirement in a teaching job. This literacy includes multiple literacy’s at once; reading, writing, and analyzing. Not many other literacy examples force you to use as many literacy’s as writing a lesson plan does.




6. How do you plan to demonstrate your literacy?


I plan on demonstrating my lesson plan by including a lesson plan that I have created. This will visually show how a lesson plan includes multiple literacy’s.



7. What questions do you have about this project?


What are we supposed to include in our reflection?



8.  Create a chronological list of the steps you will need to take to complete this project.  Then, set a time-line of when each step will be completed.  This will be a tentative contract between you and me to assure you’re making progress on this project.


Monday 4/20- have an idea of what lesson plan to use


Friday 4/25- rework the lesson plan to fit the needs of this class


Weekend- Write the reflection


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Apr 15 2009

Blog 4/15

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Before this class I assumed that literacy meant any verbal communication. However, throughout this class I have realized that I had a very narrow view of the definition of literacy. Now as I understand it, literacy can be all types of communication not verbal. Literacy can be spoken or unspoken and doesn’t even have to be person to person. A person performs many literacy acts on a computer, whether it is reading, writing, or even analyzing something. Technology has grown so much in todays society that things such as ipods, mp3 players, tv’s, and radios are all things that promote literacy. Overall, I have learned that literacy is everything in todays society. It seems like everything I do in a day could be considered a literacy act.

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Apr 13 2009

Blog 4/13

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1. In my reflective introduction I would like to include why I chose to do revisions and what two assignments I am revising. I would also like to include my thoughts on my two revisions and why I think they are better than my original.

2. The first thing I want my readers to see is my portfolio introduction. That way my readers can clearly see what is going to be included in my portfolio.

3. I want my pages to look organized and well thought out. I want them to include an introduction. I want each thing I am revising to be one total page (Rhetorical Analysis- 1 page, Literacy Narrative- 1 page)

4. I will include a tradition paper to introduce myself.

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Apr 08 2009

4/8 Blog

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After looking at my resume, I feel like I have a pretty good resume overall. However, I need to write a better cover letter. Like my peer reviewer pointed out, there were some grammer mistakes. Also, I feel like my cover letter is lacking in details and could be bulked up alot more. In order to bulk up my resume I need to include educational experience. I need to put more emphasis into that so I can appear more qualified for the teaching job. My only question is that, a resume is supposed to be one page right? Well, if I add any more  information it will be more than one page. What can I do?

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Apr 06 2009

4/6 Blog Reflection

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My biggest problem with my resume is trying to figure out what the relevate information is. How much is too much and how little is too little is a question I seem to keep asking myself. With the resume, I still need to figure out what past job experiences are most important and should be listed. I also need to find a way to cut out unnneccessary information so that it can be one page. I think I am going to just sit down and ask myself, If i was an employer what would I want to know about this future employee. I need to make sure to include relevant information and sound like I am not only interested, but also very educated. I need to make sure I am presenting myself in a way where it doesn’t seem I am desperate.

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Apr 06 2009

Blog 4/6

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 Bettsville High School has a job opening for the Varsity Head Boys Basketball Coach. Looking over the ad, coaching experience seems like it is necessary for applying for this job.  Even though it is Division 4, the job is still to be the head varsity coach- a position of very high importance within many schools. I will address the requirements by listing my coaching experience and by including letters or reccomendation from my fellow coaches. I will also have a teaching degree and since the ad says that there are teaching positions available, I will apply for one of those too.

The company is actually a school located in Seneca County in Bettsville Ohio. The desired qualifications and skills seems to be experience in coaching and a teaching degree. The school seems to value relationships between the adults and children within the school. It seems to be a school set in a rural environment  where everybody knows everybody.  Keywords: Coaching experience, Bobcats, relationship with students.

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Apr 03 2009

Blog 4/3

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I have had some experience with resumes, but not awhole lot. I think a good resume is one that is organized and accurate. A resume is something that should be 100% accurate because if something is untrue and the employer finds out, then you would automatically not get the job. I think the goal of a resume is obviously, to get a job, but more specifically it is a great way to showcase all of your skills and talents. It’s almost like a way to brag about yourself. An organized resume goes along way because if it is unorganized that will reflect badly upong you.

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