Apr 15 2009

Unit 2

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For Unit 2 were were asked to create two different projects that are examples of technology literacies. For the first project we were asked to construct a Public Service Announcment video. Jilian, Lauren, Alana, Danielle and I decided to make our PSA message “Think before you post”. The message is to portray to teachers that they should “Think” before they post pictures of themselves online. The students in the video found a picture of their teacher on facebook taking a shot of alcohol. The one student showed the picture to  another student and they both laughed at their teacher. We used our teacher taking a shot as an example of why a teacher should “Think before you post”. A teacher should realize that internet sites such as facebook, are public domains, and that even your students can come across whatever you decided to post online. We decided to only include a screenshot of our video because we “Thought” before we posted, and didn’t want this video to be seen by other people, including our future students.

Our second project was to write a rhetorical analysis on a PSA of our choosing. I chose to write my rhetorical analysis on the “Think before you Speak” PSA, a PSA which goal is to get rid of the “thats so gay” comments which many americans make on a daily basis. I analzyed the PSA by looking at the well designed plot, the overall message, and the character devolpment. Upon analyzing it, I realized that the PSA was an extremely effective PSA.

My Original PSA.


My Original Rhetorical Analysis

PSA for Rhetorical Analysis

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