Apr 24 2009

Blog 4/24

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Before this class, I had never really used blogs before whether it was in the classroom or out of the classroom. Blogging every class was something that I knew I had to do coming into class everyday. I thought it was a good idea to express our ideas and an easy way for us to ask you questions. It was nice to be able to communicate in a different way rather than email or in person. I also liked the comments that I recieved. Sometimes the comments were actually helpful  when trying to come up with ideas for a project because the students in the class have great ideas.

If I could change a thing to the blogging for this course I would have to say the amount of blogs we wrote. It’s not because I am lazy or didn’t like blogging, I just felt that at times, blogging was overemphasized. I would often write my blogs as quick as possible just to get them done. My suggestion would be to maybe only blog once or twice a week but make the blog enteries and prompts alot longer and detailed.

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