Apr 01 2009

Blog 4/1

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I think the main problem with my rhetorical analysis was that I wasn’t explaining my main points very well. It was hard to distinguish between my main points, and I feel llike some of them bled together. I also think that if I was given more time or the oppertunity to do it over again, I would include more examples to back up my main points. That way my main points would be supported and would have more credabiliity. With a rhetorical analysis, your credibility is everything, so I wish I would have included more examples.

The thing that I did really well is my introduction and conclusion. I feel like my audience was hooked up right from my first sentence of my introduction. My intro also did a great job of laying out my paper and explaining what exactly I was going to talk about. I also thought my conclusion was very powerful because it ended with a quote, the same quote that ends the PSA.

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