Mar 25 2009

Blog 3/25

Published by under Uncategorized

Overall, I feel like the process of writing a rhetorical analysis has gone pretty well. I have a rough draft written that I believe to be pretty good. I feel like the question I still have is based around how many examples is good. I’m havingĀ a hard time figuring the write amount of examples to use within my PSA. Also, I want to make sure that each of my paragraphs have enough detail. On the assignment sheet it says we should have three pages. My paper right now is at two pages and I feel like if I were to try and stretch it out, I would just be repeating myself.

2 responses so far

2 thoughts on “Blog 3/25

  1.   Brittanyon 25 Mar 2009 at 12:55 pm


    I would say that if you’re not getting to three pages at a minimum you probably need to include either more examples or discuss another point. While I may be wrong, i would guess only 2 pages isn’t enough. As for the number of examples, I wouldn’t say there is any “magic number” but each body paragraph should have at least one specific example.

    I hope this helped. If you have further questions or want to run some ideas by me I would strongly recommend you email me ASAP.

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