Mar 16 2009

Blog 3/16

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Spring Break was awesome. It was so nice to not only get a break for school and homework but also to be in 80 degree weather in Florida. I traveled to Sarasota Florida and did alot when I was down there. I went on a boat ride and came within inches of touching a dolphin. I went on a jet-ski, attended two reds spring training games, at dinner on the water, and relaxed at the beach and pool. Although they were extremely hot, the Red’s game were awesome. I had never attended a spring training game before so it was a great experience to finally attened one. I also was able to get a couple players autographs and even get a picture with a few of them.

I think spring break is important for every school to have because it gives students a break from all the pressure that school demands. It allows for students to come back and to be motivated to listen and pay attention. If students were not given a break, I would guarantee that grades would suffer.

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