Mar 02 2009

In Class Blog 3/2

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Our group finished our video during class time on Friday. It was nice to get the project completed early so we can spend the rest of the time editing. I think our video is pretty good and has a strong message. I think the message of “Think before you Post” is clearly presented in the video. I also think our PSA hooks the audience in right from the beginning. You can clearly see that the picture on the computer is the “Teacher” which also adds to the credibility. I really enjoyed working on the project because I liked being the camera guy. I felt like I kept my hand pretty sturdy and zoomed when I needed too. I also liked the fact that I said the final message because I feel like I had a strong voice which really got the message across.

One response so far

One thought on “In Class Blog 3/2

  1.   jilianson 02 Mar 2009 at 10:38 am


    As a fellow group member, I agree with what you’ve said. I’m glad we got the project done, as far as filming goes, and I’m glad, too, that you said the final message. You did a great job filming as well. I think this entire group worked together very well and I’m glad we were all put in the same writing group! In my blog post, I didn’t think to add that our message is clear in the video but I agree! I think we did an all-around good job and I could imagine this being an actual PSA, if we’d had a better camera. Great work!


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