Archive for March, 2009

Mar 30 2009

Blog 3/30

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Revision is a process of tweaking and editing something in order to make it better. In most of my classes, revision is not only allowed but also incouraged. As a future teacher, we are taught that including revision in the classroom can be a very positive thing. Students are more included to better their work […]

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Mar 27 2009

Blog 3/27

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Peer Review was very helpful to me because it gave me an in-depth analysis on my paper. I realize what I need to work on and improve on. Although the peer review took a long time, it provided with an abundant amount of comments and suggestions. 1. I need to add more to my conclusion to […]

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Mar 25 2009

Blog 3/25

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Overall, I feel like the process of writing a rhetorical analysis has gone pretty well. I have a rough draft written that I believe to be pretty good. I feel like the question I still have is based around how many examples is good. I’m having a hard time figuring the write amount of examples to […]

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Mar 23 2009

Cited PSA

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Ad Council. “Think Before you Speak.” 9 October 2008. You Tube. Video. 27 March 2009 <>.

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Mar 23 2009

Blog 3/23

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1. The effectivness of your rhetorical appeal 2. Analysis is well thought out and planned 3. A reader can easily understand your appeal of your PSA 4. The audience can relate to the PSA and your analysis 5. Your credibility as a writer. Does what you say make sense? Does it seem like you know what […]

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Mar 19 2009

Rhetorical Analysis PSA

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I picked this PSA because I think its one of the most entertaining PSA out their on TV today. I think its a unique PSA because all the PSA’s out there are all pretty general such as teen drinking, smoking, and wearing a seat belt. This PSA presents a relatively new concept and I think […]

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Mar 18 2009

Blog 3/18

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I thought that the introduction of the “My Culture at the Crossroads” was very informational. The introduction did a very good job of describing the who what where when and why. I was able to read the first line of the introduction and know immediatley what was going to be talked about. I also like how the […]

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Mar 16 2009

Blog 3/16

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Spring Break was awesome. It was so nice to not only get a break for school and homework but also to be in 80 degree weather in Florida. I traveled to Sarasota Florida and did alot when I was down there. I went on a boat ride and came within inches of touching a dolphin. […]

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Mar 06 2009

3/6 Blog

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I haven’t had any experience of portfolios outside of English 111 and English 112. So, even though I am in my junior year, a portfolio is kind of a new experience for me. I like the idea of a portfolio only if your work can get re-evaluated and given a better grade. I think you […]

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Mar 04 2009

Blog 3/4

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All of our ideas and actions throughout our PSA are an example of literacy. In order for our PSA to have an impact, we had to act out a scenerio and communicate with one another. Talking amongst our peers was an example of a literacy act. Also, we used a computer at the climax of […]

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