Archive for February, 2009

Feb 05 2009

2/6 Blog- Activity 2

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I thought that this article was extremly interesting. I think that this article is saying that literacy is not devolped by yourself but taught by other people. You talk the way you talk beacuse other people taught you how to talk. I think it is also saying that literacy devolpment is routine, because every baby […]

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Feb 05 2009

2/6 Blog- Activity 1

Published by under Uncategorized

I think for every one of my topic ideas the ideal reader will be the audience and brittany. The audience brings alot of diversity to my topics because everyone is from different backgrounds. Some people may have experienced some of my ideas and some people might of not experienced them. Each person that reads my […]

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Feb 05 2009

2/4 Blog Homework

Published by under Uncategorized

1. Coaching- The overall experience of coaching and the kids I coach help to sponsor my literacy deveolpment. Through this experience I learned the good and bad ways of communicating with my players. 2. Reading books- Reading interested me when I was little and really shaped the person that I am today. I read all […]

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Feb 04 2009

2/4 What is a narrative?

Published by under Uncategorized

In my opinion, a narrative is a way to tell a story. The narrative can be either written down or seen visually but it must tell your audience something.  When most people think of a narrative the first word that comes to mind is a story. Most people believe stories can be told only by […]

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