Feb 25 2009

In class Blog 2/25

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A computer is definitly a must have tool within in a school. Society is depending more and more on computers to do a lot of work. Computers are used in practically every job a person has and it is good for a student to get experience to them as early as possible. Computers are also a great tool for learning. It can provide students with a quick and easy route to getting information and for looking things up. Although some students may get distracted with computers within the classroom, a teacher can do some things to prevent this from happening. Making all your students turn their back towards you, so you can see all their screens, is a good way to monitor what students are looking at.


Audience: My boss

Having a computer within a classroom is a great way for students to learn. Can you imagine doing your job without a computer? Well, in order to do most of the jobs within America, computer skills are neccessary. In order for students to learn computer skills it is a good idea to present them with a computer as early as possible. The more they are around a computer the more they learn from it.

7 responses so far

7 thoughts on “In class Blog 2/25

  1.   bcottrion 25 Feb 2009 at 4:18 pm

    Awesome work, Andy. I like how in your audience revision you asked your boss to think about his/her need for a computer and then pointed out how students need to be using computers so they are ready for the workforce. Great work. Keep it up.

  2.   Mia Deniseon 02 Mar 2009 at 10:38 am

    I like the suggestion to have students turn their backs toward the instructor to make their screens visible. I also like the way that you went from a longer, more in-depth argument to a more concise, personal argument for your boss. Good job!

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