Feb 20 2009

2/20 Blog Literacy Statistics

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I can’t get over theses statistics. Only 1 out of 17 kids 17 years old or older can read from a specialized text?? That blows my mind. Also, reading improvement hasn’t improved since 1980… over 29 years?! You would think with the increasing technology and the availability of sources and information that the reading would definitly improve. However, this is apparantly not the case. I also couldn’t believe that only 50% of the population read a newspaper or magazine once a week and a book in the last 6 months. I for sure thought that that number would have been higher. How does a person not pick up any of those things, especially a newspaper at least more than once a week?? I also couldn’t believe that 2/3 of the literate popoulation is women. It really shows how far women have gone since the womens rights movement.

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