Feb 18 2009

Blog 2/18

Published by under Uncategorized

Technology plays a large role in everyone’s life. You would be hard pressed to find a business that wasn’t doing all its paperwork via the computer. A computer runs alot of peoples businesses as it is alot easier than simply writing out payroll, work schedule, etc. Some people work from home on their computer and don’t even have an office or a shop. A computer is neccessary for some people to have a job and to make money.

In addition to computers other things such as tv’s, radio’s and calculators also play a large role in peoples lives. Workers who work doing payroll and other jobs regarding money often use a calculator throughout their whole work day. Practically everyone in the US owns a television and watchs it on a daily basis. Everyone uses a radio why they are driving or simply just when they are in the shower. WIthout those technologies life would be alot more plain and boring. Companies rely on televisions and radios to promote their products to gain customer interest. If there were no Tv’s or radios how would companies be able to advertise?

Technology is also why we are at war right now. Everything resorts back to technology both the good and bad of everything. Technology causes people to break into and steal things and causes fights and riots. Even with all of this techonology is still in our society and heavilly affects our literacy.

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