Feb 10 2009

2/11 Blog Homework

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1. Pathos- a term that is used to describe the authors attempt in connecting with the audience through the audience’s self interest and their emotion. The purpose of pathos is to evoke emotions in the audience such as love, hate, sadness etc.

2.This video really evoked emotion about the US troops that need our support. Talking about the US Troops always evokes eomtion in every american because of the constant struggles that they face on a daily basis. They showed pictures of troops and included sad music to help the audience better evoke their emotion.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SQztt3ZC6U

3. In Momaday’s article I really found the following passage to represnt pathos:

“And it should be by birthright also that the child learns to read and write, and is therefore enabled to discover the riches of the world and to share those riches with others.” Momaday is evoking an emotion of happiness and appreciation for life as a whole as well as literacy. He is showing the importance of literacy by evoking the audiences emotion. He does this by talking about a baby, which everyone always seems to be happy around.

4 responses so far

4 thoughts on “2/11 Blog Homework

  1.   snyeon 11 Feb 2009 at 10:35 am

    This example of showing emotion is very good. The music is very sad with including the pictures is a very good way to show emotion of pathos. I think this is an example that everyone can relate to and feel emotion from.

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