Feb 05 2009

2/6 Blog- Activity 1

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I think for every one of my topic ideas the ideal reader will be the audience and brittany. The audience brings alot of diversity to my topics because everyone is from different backgrounds. Some people may have experienced some of my ideas and some people might of not experienced them. Each person that reads my narrative will get something different from it.

1. Coaching- I think my audience will like my idea of coaching and some people may be able to realte. If they can’t relate to the coaching aspect they will probably relate to the interactions with kids.

2. Reading-Even though this is not very original I believe everyone can relate to this, whether its positive or negative. Everyone read growing up and some people like it and some people didnt.

3. College- EVERYONE can relate to this idea in our class because everyone is currently in college and brittany has already gone through it. I think that most college students have a positive outlook on their experience and will be able to positively relate to this idea.

4. Technology- Going along with my college idea, I believe everyone can relate to this idea as well. Everyone uses technology in our class because they all have to blog and use the computer. College students are also prone to watching tv, texting, and playing video games which also is technology.

5. Ebay- I am not too sure how my audience will relate to this idea but I think its unique and definitly worth while. Ebay has grown throughout the past few years to a large trading company. Billions of people use ebay to buy all sorts of things. More people in the class may be able to relate to this more heavily than I am expecting.

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