Feb 05 2009

2/4 Blog Homework

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1. Coaching- The overall experience of coaching and the kids I coach help to sponsor my literacy deveolpment. Through this experience I learned the good and bad ways of communicating with my players.

2. Reading books- Reading interested me when I was little and really shaped the person that I am today. I read all sorts of books, magazines and newspapers. I am really up to date on current events due to the joy I get out of reading. I started enjoying reading when my dad and I used to read.

3. College- Becoming a college student really opened me up as a person. I came out of my shell and used various literacies in order to communicate with others and make friends.

4. Technology- This has really become a big part of my life. I can’t even imagine what I would be like without and tv and computer. Having both of those things throughout my life has really opened me up to many literacys.

5. Ebay- I have sold many things on ebay and have come to realize over time the right and wrong things to say when posting an item for sale. Becoming literate within the ebay community has really increased my sales and has helped me out financially.

2 responses so far

2 thoughts on “2/4 Blog Homework

  1.   bcottrion 08 Feb 2009 at 8:05 pm

    You’ve done a nice job here, Andy. I think you have five possible topics that are equally interesting. Your literacy acts are each unique, though I might suggest you keep thinking about how each of them is important to your development as a literate person. What will your reader learn about you and your literacies from reading narratives about each of these topics?

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