Archive for February, 2009

Feb 25 2009

In class Blog 2/25

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A computer is definitly a must have tool within in a school. Society is depending more and more on computers to do a lot of work. Computers are used in practically every job a person has and it is good for a student to get experience to them as early as possible. Computers are also […]

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Feb 23 2009

2/23 In Class Blog

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1. Accurately shows the intended audience 2. Hits on an issue/s that the audience can relate too 3. Portrays a message accuratley 4. Entertains the audience 5. Allows for the audience to think about the issue. Impacts them 6. The neccessary time requirement. Do not go over a minute.

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Feb 22 2009

Blog Homework 2/23

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1. Don’t Drink and Drive. Students, young adults, adults. Video 2. Don’t download illegal music. Students, adults, young adults, pretty much everyone who owns or has access to a computer. Video 3. Don’t cheat- you will only cheat yourself. Students. Video.

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Feb 20 2009

2/20 PSA Analysis Activity

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1. The actors portray the message, “not posting your image online”, by going and looking at the picture on the board and ripping it off. They share it amongst their friends and soon enough it seems like the whole school knows about it. 2. The persuasive techniques used in the video are showing everyone’s reactions […]

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Feb 20 2009

2/20 Blog Literacy Statistics

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I can’t get over theses statistics. Only 1 out of 17 kids 17 years old or older can read from a specialized text?? That blows my mind. Also, reading improvement hasn’t improved since 1980… over 29 years?! You would think with the increasing technology and the availability of sources and information that the reading would definitly […]

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Feb 18 2009

Blog 2/18

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Technology plays a large role in everyone’s life. You would be hard pressed to find a business that wasn’t doing all its paperwork via the computer. A computer runs alot of peoples businesses as it is alot easier than simply writing out payroll, work schedule, etc. Some people work from home on their computer and […]

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Feb 16 2009


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I have used peer review pretty heavily in my classes throughout college. I think in order for a peer review to be successful you must have peer’s who are willing to work and take the process seriously. I think peer review must also be something that you get graded on by your teacher. That way […]

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Feb 13 2009

Monster Blog

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My monster has a pointed head which allow him to get into small holes. He has two mouths, one on the front of his head and one on the side. Both mouths have razor sharp teeth. His body is large and round with 2 arms that are not straight and go up and down. His feet […]

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Feb 10 2009

2/11 Blog Homework

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1. Pathos- a term that is used to describe the authors attempt in connecting with the audience through the audience’s self interest and their emotion. The purpose of pathos is to evoke emotions in the audience such as love, hate, sadness etc. 2.This video really evoked emotion about the US troops that need our support. Talking […]

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Feb 09 2009

2/9 What should a literacy narrative do?

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From the reading and personal experience I believe in order to complete a good literacy narrative, you must include a lot of things. First of the narrative must be able to tell a story. That story should be easily understood by your audience. The narrative should also be organized well so you are able to […]

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