Jan 31 2009

1/30 Out of Class Visual Narrative Assignment

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After analyzing my rough idea for the visual narrative assignment and looking over the assignment sheet a couple of times I am even more confident with my idea. Today I coached two basketball games and took pictures at them. I waited to write this until my games were over just to make sure the pictures turned out well and that they were something I wanted to use. They turned out really well as they show me doing many literate acts throughout the game; talking, raising my hands, and doing many hand gestures. I think that these pictures of me coaching are what is unique in my presentation and I am really looking forward to presenting it. I also went to the library and took pictures of me on a computer, reading a book, etc to show the various literacy acts I use throughout my school week. I also have taken pictures of me interacting with my friends and doing my hobbies at my house to show the literacy acts I use at my house throughout the week. All three seperate catagories have literacy acts within them that all can be linked together. The purpose of my presentation is to show my audience that the literacy acts I use are all very similar and overlap each other no matter what situation I am in or what I am doing. My presentation may need to be fine tuned and reworked. I may want to include more pictures than what I have right now or I may want to include another category. I’m excited to finish my visual narrative.

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