Jan 30 2009

1/30 In-Class Visual Narrative Assignment

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For my visual narrartive I will be doing a collage of the various literacies that I used throughout the week. I will include pictures of me at school, with my friends, and coaching. I use literacy in all of those daily/weekly activities. I will have about 4 or 5 pictures within each group of me doing different literacy activities such as reading, writing, talking, and looking at symbols.

9 responses so far

9 thoughts on “1/30 In-Class Visual Narrative Assignment

  1.   Lauraon 30 Jan 2009 at 4:07 pm

    So, I believe you have a great start to your personal visual narrative and I can’t wait to see your finished product! Interestingly enough, I will also be doing this assignment about my weekly activities as a college senior and a soon to be graduate. I think if we do our assignment in that way, ultimately we will be able to sufficiently provide a good amount of information about our literacy capabilities. Nonetheless, good luck with everything!

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